
Do they establish and maintain an extensive network of contacts?


Networking is the ability to establish contacts with a wide range of people, making it possible to mutually help each other in professional and personal situations. It is a two-way process: by helping and attending to our network of contacts, we make it easier for them to help us.

  • Establishes informal contacts with others, in addition to the contacts required for work. Ex.: Has friendly chats about work, children, sports, news, etc.
  • Appears to be open, accessible and confident in themselves in social situations.
  • Seeks and finds opportunities to meet new people.
  • Quickly responds to requests for help from others, despite the fact that they do not have a higher hierarchical position or that they are not part of their team.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 3.

  • Maintains strong personal relationships with their colleagues.
  • Establishes and maintains a broad network of cordial and friendly relationships with many individuals inside and outside their Organisation.
  • Remembers significant details about each person (interests, hobbies, current projects) that make it easier to start conversations with their contacts.
  • Considers any person to be a source of potential help and makes good use of any opportunity to establish contacts.

  • Takes the initiative to improve and strengthen their "friendships" with colleagues or clients, outside of the Organisation.
  • Actively participates in different social events.
  • Is continuously maintaining their network of contacts.
  • Helps others solve problems or achieve their objectives and shares information in order to facilitate collaboration.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 1.

  • Is able to bring people from different environments together.
  • Makes good use of their personal relationships in order to achieve their work objectives.
  • Asks for contributions or suggestions from those outside of their immediate environment.
  • Seeks and finds opportunities to collaborate, in a mutually beneficial manner, with people who they do not usually work with.