
Does this person sense what others are feeling and thinking even if they don't voice it?


Empathy involves knowing how to understand other people. It is the ability to listen and correctly understand the thoughts, feelings or concerns of others even though these are not verbally expressed or are partially expressed. This skill measures the growing complexity and depth involved in understanding others. It can also include intercultural sensitivity.

  • Is aware of a person's feelings at a given point in time.
  • Senses the moods of others.
  • Listens carefully to others when they come to them.
  • Asks questions to confirm the messages they are receiving.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 3.

  • Understands the feelings/moods of others and the explicit reasons for them.
  • Asks questions to better understand the reasons for the feelings/moods.
  • Makes an effort and takes action to understand others.
  • Understands the meaning of non-verbal messages (gestures, tone of voice, etc).

  • Understands why others act in a certain way at a given point in time, despite the fact that these people do not explain themselves or do so in an incomplete or vague manner.
  • Is successful in making others follow their recommendations, using their understanding of these people's feelings.
  • Identifies the general characteristics (both positive and negative) of others.
  • Puts themselves in the shoes of their colleagues and understands things from the perspective of others.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 1.

  • Understands the fundamental problems of others that are not so obvious.
  • Understands the main reasons for the most deep-rooted feelings, concerns and behaviours of others.
  • Gives a complete and specific vision of the strengths and weaknesses of others.
  • Is successful in making people trust in them and feel comfortable enough to explain their concerns or difficulties.