Flexibility and change management

Can the person change their mindset or drop a task when the circumstances so require?


Flexibility and change management is the ability to adapt and effectively work in different and varied situations and with diverse people or groups. It entails understanding and assessing different positions or points of view, or adapting one's own approach as required by the situation. It also involves easily changing or accepting changes in the Organisation itself or in the job's responsibilities.

  • Adapts to the changes in the environment.
  • Recognises and understands the points of view of others.
  • Is willing to work with different areas and colleagues.
  • Is willing to change their own ideas when given new information or opposing evidence.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 3.

  • Knows when to yield in relation to their own planning and initial objectives when the situation so requires, adapting the procedures.
  • Reacts with flexibility and adapts when faced with "unforeseen events" and obstacles that could significantly change their work.
  • Adapts their behaviour to the different situations or circumstances of their work (changes in the products, organisation, etc). Ex.: They are flexible when there is a change in the schedule or when there is a need to stay longer at work in order to finish a task.
  • Can work on different projects at the same time and demonstrates ease in working on different projects simultaneously.
  • Adapts their conduct to the different individuals involved (clients, partners, etc).

  • Adapts the objectives or projects to the market situation and the environment in which they work.
  • Questions "the status quo" and involves others in the change process.
  • Promotes new methodologies, approaches or ways of doing things, sets an example.
  • Defines areas of change and proposes new ways of acting.
  • Defines a clear vision of the changes, detailing the information.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 1.

  • Promotes and implements changes in the processes or products in order to adapt to changes, the environment and the circumstances.
  • Flexibly applies plans and budgets in order to adapt to changes in the environment and the circumstances.
  • Ensures that all the individuals involved are aware of the message or vision of the change.
  • Promotes and makes good use of the diversity of opinions, approaches and criteria when faced with a certain situation.
  • Encourages others to participate in the change process and obtains support from people who can help make it a reality.
  • Publicly questions "the status quo", comparing it to an ideal or vision of change.
  • Creates a feeling of crisis or imbalance in order to pave the way for change.