
Does the person lead groups of people in such a way as to enable them to work together effectively?


Leadership entails the intention of assuming the role of leader of a work group or team. It involves the desire of guiding others. Leadership is often, but not always, associated with positions that have formal authority. "The" team should be considered, broadly speaking, to be any group in which the person assumes the role of leader. It should be compared with the skill of "Team Work and Cooperation".

  • Leads the meetings well (sets the agenda and objectives of the meetings, controls the time, assigns the turns to speak, etc).
  • Ensures that the group has all the necessary information.
  • Explains the reasons why a decision has been made.
  • Maintains a close relationship with the team and knows what is happening.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 3.

  • Uses complex strategies in order to keep the group's motivation high and achieve good productivity levels (hiring and dismissal decisions, assigning work to the team, training, etc).
  • Listens and promotes participation and the contribution of ideas.
  • Is concerned about motivation and a good working environment, protecting the group and defending its reputation.
  • Ensures that the group's needs are met (obtains the resources, staff and information the group needs).
  • Gives instructions or demonstrations, together with the underlying reasons, as a learning strategy.

  • Delegates responsibilities conveying confidence, establishing and carrying out effective follow-up.
  • Gives positive feedback to each team member for improvement, development and motivation.
  • Fosters the development of each team member according to their characteristics and interests.
  • Establishes action plans and offers specific suggestions for improvement.

Do you want to know the conclusions?

I will explain the key ideas of the skill level in the video you have just seen and then it will be easier for you to identify the differences with the final of video level 1.

  • Ensures that others participate in their objectives, mission, climate, policies, etc.
  • Acts as a model to be followed by others.
  • Has genuine charisma, communicates a vision of the future that generates enthusiasm, excitement and commitment to the group's project or mission.
  • Fosters strong commitment to the goals to be reached.